Winter Field Day! (see News item for more photos!)
Winter Field Day! (see News item for more photos!)
Winter Field Day! (see News item for more photos!)
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Amateur Radio license Exams
Saturday, March 8th
SPECIAL LOCATION!!! It will be held at the Lincoln Public Library, 145 Old River Road, Lincoln to use their meeting room. Note that we will not gain access to the library until 10:00 A.M. And there is no food or drink allowed. I will notify the ARRL of this change.Pre-registration preferred and Pre-completed 605 form required.
Study for your license today! Don't put if off! No code required! Just think of how much fun you will have with a genuine Amateur Radio license!
New members are welcome! Our club is for anyone intested in Amateur Radio. We have members who are electronics gurus and many members that are not electronics experts, but enjoy making contacts and operating radios.
The April 2018 edition of QST magazine featured an article about BVARC's Consortium written by our own Bob Beaudet - W1YRC. The artical describes what we do at our Consortium and how other clubs can start their own program.
Check into the BVARC Simplex Net Wednesday nights at 7:00pm on 146.565 mhz! We talk about amateur radio, hummingbirds, tomatoes, the weather, and anything else that seems real important! Everyone is welcome!
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Get your Ham Tags!
Ham tags are NOT vanity plates! If you have an active amateur radio licence you are elegible to have your FCC callsign on your plate at the normal cost!
If you haven't joined the ARRL, you should strongly consider doing it now! Don't take the Amateur Bands for granted. The ARRL fights constantly to keep private industry from infinging on the Amateur Bands. They lobby the FCC on YOUR behalf. There is a lot of pressure to re-allocate Amateur Bands for business use.
In order for ARRL to make the case that the Amateur Bands should be preserved, they need to demostrate that there is a real interest in Amateur Radio. Dues paying members provide the money and clout the ARRL needs. This is just one reason you should be a member.