It will be held at the Lincoln Public Library, 145 Old River Road, Lincoln to use their meeting room. Note that we will not gain access to the library until 10:00 A.M. And there is no food or drink allowed.
Generally, exams are offered at 9 AM on the second Saturday in the months of January, March, May, August, October, and December.
All sessions are registered annually with the ARRL. In addition, they are advertised in Worldradio magazine, via the internet on the KY1N Memorial List, and when possible, in local newspapers.
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These may be conducted either “in vehicle” or indoors depending upon state and city regulations regarding safe distance, etc. Sessions start at 9:00 A.M. Masks must be worn. If sessions are “in vehicle, ”please bring a clipboard or some item that can be used as a makeshift desk. Testing team members will monitor the testing and will collect test papers for correction. Pre-registration is requested but walk-ins are OK. For information, please contact Bob Jones, WB1P at 401-333-4787 or bgjones49@verizon.net
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Pre-registration preferred and Pre-completed 605 form preferred
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Click Here for Directions to Our Saviours Parish
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Location: Our Saviours Parish, 500 Smithfield Road, Woonsocket, RI 02895
Here are the dates for 2025:
- January 11
- March 08
- May 10
- August 9
- October 11
- December 13
General Instructions for ARRL VE Exams
- Candidates should bring a COPY of your current amateur license. Though not required by the FCC, the
ARRL/VEC requests that one be provided. The lack of a copy could slow the processing
of your test results.
- You must prove identity by means of two different ID’s, one with a
- You should have with you all original and copies of your Certificates of Satisfactory Completion of
Examination (CSCE) issued to you at any previous VE session ONLY if you have
NOT received your most
recent license upgrade. Again, the CSCE is not needed if the passed element credit has already been
reflected in your present license upgrade from the FCC.
- We forward your copies of the above information to the ARRL/VEC along with your examination papers.
All copies of documents should be made before arriving at the test session. We have no copying
facilities at the test site.
- License class restructuring which occurred on April 15, 2000 resulted in numerous changes in the testing
procedures. Please consult your license manual or other amateur radio publications if you think that you
have a unique situation. If you still cannot find the answer to your question, please contact: Bob Jones - WB1P
- The current test fee is $15.00. The exact amount would be appreciated or a check made out to the
- We look forward to seeing you at our next or future sessions.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Bob Jones - WB1P