Consortium Reference Materials

Mike Kenny – K1ETA Reference Materials

At the January 2nd, 2023 Consortium, Mike Kenny – K1ETA gave an excellent presentation on portable HAM radio. Click on the link below for reference materials!

Portable Ham Radio - PDF

Ken Trudel – N1RGK Reference Materials

At the January 7th, 2019 Consortium, Ken Trudel – N1RGK gave an wonderful presentation on his antenna systems and the latest on affordable computers. Click on the links below for reference materials!

Setting up my anteannas - PDF

Your next radio shack PC - pdf

2019 JOTA - pdf

Home Brew 80 + 30 Meter Fan Dipole Antenna - pdf (31meg)

If The Price Is Right! - pdf

Sun Spots And Amateur Radio - pdf

Satellites for Beginners by Bob Beatty – WB4SON

At the May 7th, 2018 Consortium, Bob Beatty – WB4SON gave an excellent presentation on how to work Satellites. Click on the links below for reference materials!

Satellites for Beginners - PDF

Satellites for Beginners - reference materials

Satellites for Beginners - PowerPoint (Requires PowerPoint)

Digital Modes featuring FT8 by Mike Bragg

Mike Bragg gave an excellent presentation of digital modes focusing on the new FT8 mode. Here is the PowerPoint he presented. This requires PowerPoint or a PowerPoint viewer. Large File. Click on the link below to download the file.

Click here for PowerPoint presentation (Large File 53meg)

Jim Johnson's Reference Materials

This is where to look for any PowerPoints or Images that Jim uses in his excellent Consortium presentations.

Basic HF Radio Station (PDF)

Ionoshpere PowerPoint presentation (PDF)

The Basics of Radio Wave Propagation (PDF)

Click here for a PDF on Small HF antennas

Bob Beaudet's Reference Materials

This is where to look for any PowerPoints or Images that Bob uses in his excellent Consortium presentations.

Bob's DX Credentials (PDF)

Working DX (PDF)

Operating Practices (PDF)